
The Living Room

The Living room is a social gathering that takes place on Friday afternoons from 2-4pm in St John’s in the Hall on Crossfield Road at Cleator Moor. 

Most of all, it’s a place to come and meet with others, relax and have a craic: treat it as your own living room!

On occasion, we have folks who come along to share a passion or an interest. Sometimes, we have different agencies attending to offer advice and assistance in various areas.

The Health and Wellbeing Coaches are present at most sessions and available to offer advice and assistance. At the end of each session there is an optional time for reflection and prayer.

It’s a friendly group, and you would be assured of a warm welcome. Why not give us a try? Contact Rev Nicki if you would like to know more about it.


St Paul’s Eco Churchyard Project

Last year a group from the community got together to discuss how we could tend our much loved graveyard in St Paul’s Frizington so that it provided a welcoming habitat for wildlife whilst offering a welcoming space to folks in our community who like to spend time in this special place. We began in early Spring by planting trees donated by Woodland Trust, helped by our Tree Specialist Simon Ray, members of our Phoenix Youth Group, Skills for You, and children from our local schools as well as members of our community. 

Later on that season, supported by Cumbria Wildlife trust, we took part in the get Cumbria Buzzing project. Children and families from across the parish took part in planting wildflower plug plants, making bug hotels and bird feeders.

In October this year, due to funding from Cumbria Community foundation, we were able to sow a substantial part of the unused part of our graveyard with wildflower seed. The whole community pitched into give us a hand…Phoenix youth centre, Frizington Primary, St Joseph’s Primary, children and families from across the parish. 

In the meantime, warm and dry inside, women from our Knitting nature group created an amazing knitted nature display to festoon the railings of our church. And they are busy creating another community art project which we are calling @Stitching the Seasons.’ Once completed, this will be displayed in our church building for all to enjoy.

Why not get involved in tending this amazing space entrusted to our care…so that all species can thrive and flourish! We hope to have green gym days early next year. Our next project is to create a pollinator garden of rest.